My research vision is to integrate natural language processing, a machine learning technique, with design methods to help designers create sustainable products that are successful in the marketplace. I leverage mass-scale customer-generated online data to aid designers in understanding customer ethnography.
My focus is on identifying sustainable features that have perceived customer value using online reviews and emphasizing them in product descriptions and designs. A summary of my latest research projects is provided below. If you would like more information please feel free to get in touch.
El Dehaibi, N., Herrera, A., Rattanakongkham, D., and MacDonald, E. F., 2022, “A Test for Product Design Features Perceived as Sustainable to Drive Online Purchasing Decisions,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 144, No. 11, pp. 111401.
El Dehaibi, N., and MacDonald, E. F., 2022, “Differentiating Online Products using Features Perceived as Sustainable,” Design Science, Vol. 8, No. 19, doi:10.1017/dsj.2022.14.
El Dehaibi, N., Liao, T., and MacDonald, E. F., 2021, "Validating Perceived Sustainable Design Features Using a Novel Collage Approach," Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 144, No. 3, pp. 031404.
El Dehaibi, N., Goodman, N. D., and MacDonald, E. F., 2019, “Extracting Customer Perceptions of Product Sustainability from Online Reviews,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 141, No. 12, pp. 121103.
El Dehaibi, N., Liao, T., and MacDonald, E. F., 2021, “Validating Perceived Sustainable Design Features Using a Novel Collage Approach,” ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference/Design Automation Conference, Online, August 17 – 20.
El-Dehaibi, N., and MacDonald, E. F., 2020, “Investigating Inter-Rater Reliability of Qualitative Text Annotations in
Machine Learning Datasets,” 16th International Design Conference, Online, October 26-29.
El-Dehaibi, N., and MacDonald, E. F., 2019, “Extracting Customer Perceptions of Product Sustainability from Online Reviews,” ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference/Design Automation Conference, Anaheim, California, August 18 – 21.
Bohra, M., El-Dehaibi, N., Sanfilippo, A., and Khraisheh, M., 2018, “Potential Impacts of Solar Energy Integration on Fuel- Mix Strategies in Qatar”, The Economics of Renewable Energy in the Gulf, Routledge, London, U.K., pp. 167-187.
Bill, Q., Spevacek, C., El Dehaibi, N., Johnson, W., and Hoffman, Andrew, 2016, “Uber and the Sharing Economy: Global Market Expansion and Reception”, Erb Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, case study#1-430-479.
El Dehaibi, N., and MacDonald, E., “Semantic Classification for Identifying Sustainable Content in Online Product Reviews,” Poster session presented at the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, August 26-29.
Bohra, M., El Dehaibi, N., Sanfilippo, A., and Khraisheh, M., “Potential Impacts of Solar Energy Integration on Fuel-Mix Strategies in Qatar,” Poster session presented at the 2017 European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 25-29.
El Dehaibi, N., Barth, N., and Ahzi, S., “Thermal Stress Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules using Thermo-elastic Modeling,” Poster session presented at the 2015 University of Michigan Engineering Research Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, November 20.